Discovering How to Extend the Dart Language

 I am able to load the flutter_frontend_server using:

dart bin/starter.dart
compile tmp/hello.dart

I'm seeing the error: 
Error: SDK root directory not found: ../../out/android_debug/flutter_patched_sdk/

Suspect I either need to compile the sdk or provide an environment variable.

There is now a new error, after running: 

dart bin/starter.dart --sdk-root='/usr/local/Caskroom/flutter/2.0.5/flutter/bin/cache/artifacts/engine/common/flutter_patched_sdk' compile tmp/hello.dart

Bad state: createLibraryBuilder for uri dart:_builtin, fileUri org-dartlang-untranslatable-uri:dart%3A_builtin returned null


dart bin/starter.dart --sdk-root='/usr/local/Caskroom/flutter/2.0.5/flutter/bin/cache/artifacts/engine/common/flutter_patched_sdk' --target=flutter tmp/hello.dart

result 633ec087-419b-47fd-bb64-1e3773c131e1
633ec087-419b-47fd-bb64-1e3773c131e1 tmp/hello.dart.dill 0

However, now I realize the almost all of the frontend compilation is done in the dart-sdk:
Finish for now. Next is to figure out how to compile using the dart-sdk.

Note: I believe fasta has the language specification to create the AST for the IncrementalCompilier: 

  1. Someone else using a local engine:
  2. Search for language features:
I can use the patched sdk located here:

dart bin/starter.dart --sdk-root='../../out/ios_debug_sim_unopt/flutter_patched_sdk' --target=flutter tmp/hello.dart


Looking for where the language compilation occurs.

  1. Tokenizer -
  2. Parser -
  3. Language Roadmap -
  4. TreeShaking Doc -
  5. AST Building might happen in listener as parser only propagates events -
  6. Handling Literal Int -
    1. Changing the language might require patching multiple listeners for different compilation/interpretation modes.
Root project directory for dart-sdk is: <flutter-engine-root>/src/third_party/dart

Finish for now. Next, I'll create a simple program with a new keyword.


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